Our audits are conducted internally and externally.

Sustainability Audits

The following external audits ensure that in all our operations our management systems are compliant with standards and legislation:

System External Auditors
Finance Exceed
Insurance Axsure Insurance Brokers
Site License
Environmental Compliance
JG Africa
Nancy Oosthuizen Consulting
Site Health & Safety Dept of Labour
Fire Safety
Fire Protection
Site Security
Western Rethink Insurance
Robertsons Surveyors

Dept Fire & Rescue Services

Hazardous Chemical Substance Survey Safetech
NOHS Consultants cc
Hazardous Biological Agents Assessment Occupational Monitoring Services (Pty) Ltd
Safenet (Africa) cc
B-BBEE Renaissance SA Ratings
ISO 45001 Audit & Certification SANCERT (Pty) Ltd

2022 National Sustainability Stats

National Recycling rate more than 89%

Litres of water saved
Trees saved
kWh of energy saved
Barrels of oil saved
CO2 emissions saved
m3 Landfill volume saved